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(204) 453-6944

1.0  Policy


1.1  United Boxing Club (UBC) wants to ensure that all members, volunteers, employees, coaches, officials, instructors and all others who interact with UBC, are treated with respect and dignity.  All UBC members are entitled to be treated with respect and free from all forms of Inappropriate Behaviour, Disrespectful Behaviour, Violence and Harassment, including Sexual Harassment and Bullying.  All such conduct is prohibited by this Policy and any UBC member or other individual (regardless of UBC membership) who is held to be in breach of this Policy will be subject to consequence, up to and including termination of membership and/or prohibition from UBC premises.


1.2  Any person who experiences or witnesses behaviour in violation of this Policy shall address it promptly by contacting Gillian Reid-McLean, Operations Manager, at or (204) 453-6944.  More serious forms of Inappropriate Behaviour (e.g. Sexual Harassment, serious Harassment or Violence) should be reported immediately to the President of UBC, Ryan Savage, by email at


1.3  All Board of Directors, employees, coaches, instructors, officials and contractors (UBC Staff) must comply with this Policy in the course of their dealings with UBC.  UBC Staff are also required to report any observations and/or complaints relating to conduct in violation of this Policy promptly to the UBC Operations Manager at or (204) 453-6944.  Where appropriate, UBC Staff should take immediate action to address any conduct in violation of this Policy. 


1.4  UBC adheres to Respect in Sport protocols and so does not permit its competitive team coaches to have intimate relationships with any athlete they coach in competition. 


1.5  This Policy does not limit UBC staff’s rights to manage, oversee, direct or instruct.  Performance reviews, work assignment, evaluation and disciplinary measures taken by UBC and its Board of Directors for any valid reason do not constitute a violation of this Policy.



2. 0  Application and Complaint Process


2.1  This policy applies to the UBC environment itself, including UBC's premises, but also UBC travel, competitions, gatherings, social media etc. 


2.2  For less severe forms of Inappropriate Behaviour (e.g. disrespect), individuals should first consider whether they can resolve the matter informally (e.g. speaking to the other person or seeking the advice/support from UBC or other post-incident supports).  If individuals are not comfortable addressing the situation informally, the matter should be promptly reported to the Operations Manager or, for more serious Inappropriate Behaviour, to the UBC President at the contact information noted in s. 1.2 above. 


2.3  This policy is not intended to discourage or prevent any person from exercising any legal right, including filing a complaint with the Manitoba Human Rights Commission, reporting unsafe workplace conditions through Workplace Safety and Health, contacting the police, or any other appropriate authorities.


2.4  The UBC Board of Directors shall be exclusively responsible for the handling of all complaints filed under this Policy.  The UBC Board of Directors will attempt to resolve the matters informally and, if that is not possible, determine whether a formal investigation is required. 


2.5  Generally, investigations are concluded within thirty (30) business days of receiving a complaint.  Every effort will be made to complete an investigation within that time; however, there may be extenuating circumstances.  If there are delays, the complainant and respondent will be advised of the cause of delay.  During an investigation, regular timeline updates (e.g. every ten (10) business days) will be provided to the complainant and respondent to ensure communication is maintained throughout the investigation process.


2.6  Following investigation, the UBC Board of Directors will render any decisions necessary and take any action necessary to ensure compliance with this Policy. 


2.7  UBC Staff who receive a complaint or are involved in an investigation under this Policy must not disclose the name of a complainant, alleged respondent or the circumstances related to the issue to any person except where the disclosure is necessary to investigate, take corrective action or as is required by law.  


2.8  Reprisal is not permitted against UBC staff, parents and/or athletes exercising their rights in good faith under this Policy.  Any act of reprisal will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination of duties/employment/membership.  Reprisal can include, but is not limited to, an actual or threatened harmful act, penalizing someone for making a complaint, withholding a benefit for making a complaint or attempting to isolate or exclude a UBC staff member, parent and/or athlete from activities.


2.9  If it is determined that a false complaint was deliberately made for frivolous or vindictive reasons, UBC may take disciplinary action against the complainant up to and including termination of position/employment/membership.  This does not apply to complaints made in good faith that are unproven or unsubstantiated.


3.  Definitions


3.1  The following definitions describe a spectrum of behaviours that vary in severity.  Behaviour can be deemed inappropriate and in breach of this Policy even if not intended to be.





Respectful Behaviour

Respectful Behaviour values diversity, inclusion, dignity, courteous conduct, mutual respect, fairness, equality, and promotes positive communication and collaborative working relationships.

Inappropriate Behaviour

Inappropriate Behaviour is an overarching term used to describe disrespectful behaviour, sexual harassment, harassment, bullying and/or violence.

Disrespectful Behaviour

Disrespectful Behaviour is disruptive to positive communication, courteous conduct and collaborative working relationships (e.g. gossip, interruptions, etc.).  Behaviour may also be disrespectful if it does not value diversity, inclusion, dignity, fairness and equality.  More objectionable and severe forms of disrespectful behaviour are considered harassment and/or bullying.


This Policy uses The Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulation definition, which defines two (2) forms of harassment:


1. Objectionable conduct that creates a risk to the health of UBC staff, parents and/or athletes.  Conduct is objectionable if it is based on race, creed, religion, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender-determined characteristics, marital status, family status, source of income, political belief, political association, political activity, disability, physical size or weight, age, nationality, ancestry or place of origin; and/or


2. Bullying behaviour.  This behaviour includes severe conduct that adversely affects a person’s psychological or physical well-being.  Conduct is considered severe if it is:


  • repeated humiliation or intimidation that adversely affects a person’s psychological or physical well-being; or

  • a single instance so serious that is has a lasting, harmful effect on a person.


Harassment may be written, verbal, physical, online or electronic, a gesture or display, or any combination of these.  It may happen only once, but often happens repeatedly.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment is based on sex, gender (how one identifies, including gender identity or expression or gender-determined characteristics) or sexual orientation.  Sexual Harassment can be sexual in nature, but can also include any form of harassment based on sex, gender or sexual orientation.


Sexual Harassment can also refer to behaviour that creates or permits a sexualized or sexually charged, or negative/poisoned environment/atmosphere.


Sexual Harassment includes, but is not limited to:


  • abusive remarks or behaviours based on sex, gender or sexual orientation;

  • objectionable and unwelcome sexual solicitations or advances;

  • a reprisal, retaliation or threat of retaliation for rejecting a sexual solicitation or advance; or

  • a reprisal or threat of reprisal for filing a sexual harassment complaint.


Sexual harassment may be written, verbal, physical, online or electronic, a gesture or display, or any combination of these.


Violence refers to the attempted or actual exercise of physical force against a person, or any threatening statement or behaviour that gives a person reasonable cause to believe that physical force will be used against the person.

For more information contact us


(204) 453-6944

United Boxing club

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Unit 5 – 201 Scott St
Winnipeg MB
R3L 0L4



Tel: (204) 453-6944

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